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A Wife to Love

In the fleeting moments of their union – their engagement, their wedding, and their first embrace – Sun Ha harbored a flicker of hope in her heart. She longed for her husband to see her not just as a wife but as his cherished partner, to fall deeply in love with her. Yet, as three years passed with the changing seasons, her dreams languished unfulfilled. Despite sharing countless nights under the starry sky, his gaze never truly met hers, leading Sun Ha to wonder if she was anything more than a companion of convenience. Her heart understood the grim truth – their marriage dangled precariously at the edge, her yearning for more a solitary struggle.

Confronted by this stark reality, Sun Ha embraced a transformative decision. She chose divorce, recognizing the need to redefine herself beyond the confines of his desires. Determined to become someone capable of both giving and receiving love, she broke free from the shackles of an unsatisfying marriage.
